Sunday, March 16, 2008

Thing # 16

Learning a language - LiveMocha (, is a free site where members can tackle 160 hours of beginning or intermediate lessons in French, German, Mandarin Chinese, Spanish, Hindi or English. There is no charge for tutoring; instead, members tutor one another, drawing on their expertise in their own native language. Learning a new language does require listening, speaking and memory skills. This speaks for itself, when the number of students entering US public schools with a first language other than English continues to grow. Could this not be a site that those students can access with ESL teachers for English language learners? I don't see Italian on this menu by livemocha, but I can tell you that I've already spent some good money toward dictionaries, and Cd's in hopes of learning "limited" Italian, so when I do get there one day I can communicate with them! If they add Italian to this menu, I'll be tuning in.


MyraG said...

I agree, I am disappointed that there aren't classes in Italian. You do have the opportunity to tune in with others wanting to learn Italian; also to communicate with Italian tutors would be great. Might be worth a look.

jenn said...

I'm also with you on the Italian thing. I wish I would've spent more time with my Italian great grandmother and had her teach me the language. I was very young then and uninterested in that. Darn those "if only's".