Monday, February 11, 2008

Thing # 6

Image Generators-Wow! So much fun! Kim, thanks for passing along the glassgiant website ! Here's my "wanted poster" of my 13 year old! He'll love it when I show it to him. I guess the real power in Flicker lies in ways that it connects people from around the world. If you tag the photo, it becomes that much easier to "search" by the public. Under the "organize link", you can create separate albums for different "sets" of pictures. I'm not getting too carried away however as I don't have the time right now, but I'll remember it when my kids go off to college, or I'll be on the golf course. I think students would get pretty excited about posting pictures on the web that they have taken! Image generators make for endless fun!


ann said...

I love the poster of your son!
My next adventure is Thing #6 tonight!

Nice Guy said... has 5,000 more online image makers (make buttons, digital scrapbooking, banners, sigs, avatars, comics, fake magazine covers, logos, gags, e-cards, etc).

jenn said...

Nice poster. I'll have to hit that site and include my children, they'll get into it.

MyraG said...

Good job on the Voki. You jumped ahead...that will be a discovery resource when we get to audio tools. Glad you found it. Fun, huh?