Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Thing # 7

Social Bookmarking - I get it. But I still like "adding to favorites" better. Tagging in http://del.icio.us/ does make your tags "public" however, which is meaningful to those that trust you as a resourceful person. It is hard to keep track of all the information we have needed and found on the internet. This is a great tool in helping keep track of those links, however it does seem a bit time consuming to maintain it. If you were sharing it (making it public), you would want to make sure your tags were accurate, and the url's were in working order. This is a great tool to learn from each other's efforts. RSS lets us connect with what others write, so this allows us to connect to what others read as well. I like the fact that when you bookmark something at Del.icio.us, then you will immediately be linked to everyone else that has also bookmarked that site. The "community" points the way toward more tags that connects you to more resources. So, the power is in our hands to organize our own information and not just in the hands of Yahoo, or Google. You can apply "many" tags to one link because we all interpret information differently! Furl.net is another popular social bookmarking site.

1 comment:

MyraG said...

I don't worry too much about the tags -- I use tags and categories that are meaningful for me. When I find someone else's tagged site, I usually change them to something that works for me. I do like this site and the capabilities.